FLAWED AND FABULOUS Country Antiques and Collectables


26 January, 2013

australia day

I hope everyone enjoys their national day.  I keep thinking about that old ad " football, meat
pies, kangaroos and holden cars."
I'm sure we are more than that. I sold a few key pieces out of my window so I decided to do an Aussie window . The surfboard is by the artist Jo Cunningham. I bought it for my husband in 2008 from a gallery exhibition in Lindfield in Sydney, I wish I could have bought them all, it made for a fabulous display and was such a rich experience as I was living in Dubai at the time. The land of sand as I like to call it..
The timber sleds at the left were made for my kids years ago by our neighbour John, a builder, when he saw them sliding down the grassy hill at Maitland Hospital on flattened cardboard boxes..
I love the old painted meatsafe, what an Aussie classic ! I put in some random Aussie themed books and an old 1956 Olypics biscuit tin.  The trench art vase and photo of a digger were a nod to our Aussie Defense heros, The handmade pottery, well we should all roll our sleeves up and get our hands dirty sometimes.
My husbands old gardening hat and the wheel back chair, classic, as is a nice cold beer in an old Ulva beer glass. Shop has been open today and a sold a few things thankyou people :-)

Happy Australia Day everyone ! 
I didn't get my aussie BBQ lunch but there is lamb for dinner !
lanb lamb lamb lamb lamb lamb...

No risk of Lambnesia here Sam...