Hitting the Swan Murray and Hain sales
I went to the Swan Murray and Hain auction in maitland on the 19th of Aug. It felt like old home week, I saw all the old crowd there. It was a mixed sale, held in a lovely old shop on the high st that is for sale/lease.
Sid usually has his sales in the showground, however rising costs made him look for a new venue.
There is no power connected there at the moment, and he had to run a generator for his microphone.
The sale went well and was well attended. There was a lot of brown furniture from a local estate, which brought varying money. A large Mahogany breakfront wardrobe was referred to the vendor as it only brought 260.00. The two cedar ones brough more, 800 900 odd.
I really wanted the four early Victorian cast iron columns ( 1860's by Penders) for me but they brought 450 each.
The other thing I really had my eye on was a large bell from the estate Stradbroke, mounted on a large post. It was a good sized, original bell with a good tone and came with a picture of the house. It reached 1000
Sid was in good spirits and cracked a few jokes, the regulars made good use of the furniture for seating, fortunately there were lots of chairs but it was hard when it came to sale time as they had been dragged all over the place. There were three I would have liked but they got separated from their lot so I missed them.
Geoff Rhodes was there with his lamps and iron bits. He told me that he preffered the country sales as he achieved better prices. I bought a double burner lamp with a ceramic bowl and painted iron base. It is plain but elegant. The other one I bought looked like an alladin maybe.
It was on a pretty metal stand, I thought it would make a great reading lamp for an alternate no power lifestyle !
A box of really nice Victorian blue and white tureens and platters went for 90.00, I don't know why I let that go, or the two pretty Victorian water jugs, although sid said one of those had a small crack.
I had my eye on a nice edwardian jug and basin in apple green with a pretty floral motif that came with two pots and a toilet set but I was talking to someone and missed the lot. It went cheap at only 160.00 and I was kicking myself.! Always a risk, the temptation to catch up with everyone is strong.
Sid usually manages 100 lots an hour, he was running a little behind, and was patient with bidders, in a bidding war of 10.00 increments.
He launched straight into the furniture at 2.30 without a break. I don't know how he does it. More than 600 lots with only a couple of drinks no breaks !
One of the more interesting things there was a cast iron tool, an old fret saw, it looked like a treadle or spinning wheel. It was so graceful so most likely Victorian. I always admire the beauty of the old tools, with their elegant shapes brass trims and turned handles. It only brought 90.00 and I didn't buy that either ! Sid actually looked to me for a bid, he knows me well !
I spent a bit over a thosand, on a good day I'll spend two or three thousand.
I did buy a slab of white marble for 20.00 and an old sewing machine base for 70.00. I also bought a couple of lots of costume jewellery and a marcasite watch in working order for 50.00.
Probably my biggest purchase was a lovely mahogany sideboard for only 260.00 It had a carved back and shelf, with a drawer and two doors and full bobbin twist column to either side at the front.
There was heaps of china and glass at the sale, the vendors must have had a passion for the indian tree pattern, as it was there by all makers, dinner sets jug, csps, cake plates and platters.
I bought some plattters cake plates and others for 40.00. It was only Johnsons I think, but with good colour and in good order.
I stayed to the last. I had my eye on an old cedar chest on carved feet supposed to be 1850's.
The drawers needed work but it had had a funny paint job in an outlandish green with a darker green on the knobs. I love rustic and painted furniture and hoped I'd get it for a good price.
A polished cedar chest brought 500.00 and another early one 800. Michael Lee from Rare Find antiques was the winner though paying around 800 for my ratty chest !
Oh well ! some days you get what you want..... if you really want it you just have to keep bidding like old Keith.
He was a character from the old days who used to just point and hold his hand up until he got it. Sadly a lot of people ran him for sport, but in the end he got what he wanted .
Next sale in October !
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