Maitland flood 1955 our shopfront

Maitland in flood 1955
These photos kindly donated to me by David Sciffer
Maitland recently celebrated he 50th anniversary of the 1955 flood. It was a devastating event, resulting in the deaths of 12 people and extenstensive property and stock losses.
Maitland city council recently hosted a display of flood photos, film and memorabilia , at the new Art Gallery in the old Technical College building.
I have taken a keen interest in the historical flooding in the city of Maitland. (as anyone would with property here!) so I found the exhibition very interesting. They had lots of photos, donated by locals, blown up on large boards. A film, photo presentation was also running. One of the locals had donated his flood boat which was in lovely condition with original paint.I noticed some photos of our old Bakery building in Victoria St Maitland and the owner of the photos kindly sent me these two photos. They are of our shop front. Next door was the Chemist, we were Forshaws, the Newsagent.
There was a photographic studio to the side of the property next door to us. The owner Lyndon Mcleod, gave the photos that he found when he purchased the premises, to Mr Sciffer who has restored them.
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